Saturday 28 November 2020

I'm not going to explain why you should care about other people

     I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people. So I'm not going to try. Instead, I'm going to ask why I should care that you don't care.

     You don't want to have to pay taxes to support someone whose interests you don't care about? Fine. Why should I care that you don't want to pay taxes? Explain it to me. I get that you don't like to pay taxes. I get that you feel you have some kind of moral right not to be taxed, but so what? Why should I care about what you think your rights are? Why should I care about your interests? 

     The fact is, though, I do care about your interests. I want you to be happy and prosperous, and with as much opportunity to pursue whatever it is that pleases you as possible, subject only to the limitation that I want this for everyone else, too. I'm not going to try to convince you that you should want these things, just that I do. And so given that, can you explain to me why I should care more about your desire not to pay taxes or your desire not to see same-sex couples on TV or whatever else you're all up in arms about than I should care about whatever someone else is all up in arms about?


  1. Personal responsibility: I got mine; screw you.

  2. Well, clearly I Care about similar things that you do. I agree with The Blog Fodder about the Egocentricity of many who really don't see beyond themselves and honestly wouldn't understand your part about their prosperity and happiness only being subject to the limitation that we want this for everyone else too. There's really enough to go around, if and when it ever gets evenly distributed that is.

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